When it comes to HR, DIY is a no-go – but it’s a mistake too many companies make. What seems like a simple task can quickly escalate into a financial and time-wasting mess – with costly grievances against you.
It means that there are times when you need to hand the reins over to the experts, so you tick all the right boxes and save time and money down the track.
Here’s when you might need the HR experts.
1.Employing someone new
With such a talent shortage across the country, it’s tempting to get someone started in your business right away when the perfect person comes along. But if you’re considering taking on someone new, you need a signed employment agreement before they do even a minute’s work. Fail to do that, and you won’t be eligible to test them with a trial period. So instead of rushing to secure your dream employee, now’s the time to call in the experts.
2.Yearly employment agreement refresh
An employment contract is one of the most powerful tools in your company’s toolkit, but only if it’s updated regularly. When it’s time to refresh yours (which should happen regularly), you must ensure it contains all the necessary information to protect both parties if anything goes awry down the track.
3.Poor employee performance
You can have the best practices in place for your team, but sometimes, employees don’t perform as they should. Whether they’re just not delivering what you need or have been absent for a significant period, it can be hard to deal with. As the employer, you are best not to bury your head in the sand as you have certain obligations – there is a right way of doing things. If you get that wrong, or even take too long to take any action, it could be costly and draining to business, causing unnecessary frustration among staff.
4.Refreshing employee knowledge
If you have a team member who is new to a management role, you’ll want to ensure they’re up to date with current employment law and having HR experts on-hand will help to ensure things run smoothly and seamlessly.
5.Engaging and motivating your team
Without a team, you don’t have a company. And with the great resignation in full swing, every company needs to know how to keep its staff engaged, motivated and excited in their roles. HR experts can help with simple tools to get the most out of your people and ensure they stay.
6.Changing employee job
Things change rapidly in the modern world, which means your business structure is constantly evolving. If you want to change someone’s role or the terms and conditions of their employment, there are tight guidelines you need to follow. Again, having the experts on-call will help you meet your responsibilities, protect you from legal action and ensure you’re doing right by employees.
7.Dealing with a personal grievance letter
There’s a strict response procedure if you have been served with a personal grievance letter. Jumping headfirst in response will open you up to legal, financial and reputational damage. On the other hand, if you’ve got the tools to deal with it promptly, it’s an easy fire to put out. HR experts are trained to know exactly how to handle these situations to find a resolution that works for both parties.
8.When you need reassurance
Managing staff is complex, and there will always be situations where you’re unsure how best to proceed. Instead of digging yourself a huge messy hole, let us help get things in order with fair and fit-for-purpose guidelines, whatever situation you’re facing.
When you manage a team, you wear lots of hats, and it’s easy to take on another task you think you can do yourself. But there’s no room for mistakes in HR – one misstep could be a costly and time-wasting affair with severe consequences for business.
We’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen. So, if you’re experiencing any of the above, drop us a line for a no-obligation chat to ensure you’re on track.